Thursday, September 02, 2010

Back in Haiti

It's good to be back.  I flew into PAP, Haiti on Tuesday afternoon and except for arriving without my suitcases the flight went smoothly.  Yesterday, Randy, Karen and myself sat down and they filled me in on all the happenings while I was away, we also started to plan the month of September.  This morning we had the opportunity to meet with the teachers and pray for the upcoming school year.  We have been blessed with such an amazing staff, we are so thankful for all the gifts and talents they bring to our organization.  The previous week was the final week of school for this school year and the teachers have officially started their vacation time!!  I'll be keeping busy during September getting ready for next year, getting new uniforms, buying new textbooks, hiring new teachers making schedules and all the other fun stuff that needs to be done before school opens for another year.  Sorry no pictures quite yet...  when something exciting happens I'll be sure to post pictures.

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