Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Working Out

Sorry no more news about our current situation.  Keep praying... and I'll let you know as soon as I know anything!
In other news... I taken a keen interest in working out these days.  Before the earthquake I had joined a gym in the neighbourhood, however I was mostly interested in the large track they had behind the building.  It was wonderful to be able to walk to my heart's content, not having to worry about chickens, goats, large stinky puddles of water, large vehicles whizzing past and people trying to get my attention.  After the earthquake the track become a "displaced persons camp" and it was no longer pleasant to walk on it.  This year I decided I was going to join the gym again and try the weight lifting thing.  That lasted about two days, it's just so boring, even with my i pod. So now I'm trying out the aerobic classes.  At first I was really intimidated because the classes take place in the center of the room and many of the men working out like to take breaks from working out to check out the aerobics class (the class is mostly made up of women:)  After the first class I quickly lost my nervousness, I was so busy sweating away and trying to keep up with the rest of the class that I didn't have time to notice who was watching.  Due to the heat here, halfway through the day most people start to feel tired and lethargic and I'm no exception.  I do, however, find that working out at the end of the day gives me an extra energy boost and I feel much more energetic the next day.  I'm hoping I'll keep up the routine for the rest of the year, only time will tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hope to see you very buff in October...... then we will fatten you with Thanksgiving turkey and send you back....

- G -