Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Presbyterian Church of Delmas, PAP

Pastor Octavius praying with the congregation

Leading Worship
During the transition to the new building, our church wasn't able to meet for a period of time due to a lack of location.  Thankfully we still have our big tent and were able to set up a portion of it on the lower half of the school yard.  Sunday was my first time being able to attend the service since it reopened.  (I signed up to teach Sunday School at Quisqueya Chapel and they were at the same time).
It was a great time of worship and studying God's word, with the added bonus of patè and really sweet juice.  The Hopp family (Ben and Heather) have a team visiting this week and they were able to join us on Sunday, we even had the benefit of a guest preacher!  This same team has been working at our school, setting up some pre-fab homes on the roof of the school.  Pictures to follow I promise!

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