Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cars and Computers

Cars and computers are the two things in life that I always want to work and yet I want to spend zero time, energy or money keeping them in working order.  When they are working I love them but when they are not I HATE them!!
Funny enough, both my car and computer have been on the fritz lately and I've had to do without them both for a week! 
The plus of being without my car is that I am forced to exercise more, seeing as I have to walk a bit to get to some form of public transportation and if that cannot be found, I have to walk the whole way.  Thankfully in the entire week I didn't have a car I only had to walk from the school to my house once (about a one hour walk), unfortunately it was after church, it was really hot and I was hungry and I think I may have suffered from a minor case of heat/sun stroke; a lot of liquids and a nap helped and I was as good as new in no time.  The rest of the trips back and forth to work were on the back of a motor taxi which is a pretty nice way to go except that it's rainy season right now which means two things, 1) driving through LARGE puddles causes your shoes/skirt/pants to get splashed with mud and 2) the road are pretty washed out by all the rain and therefore are in pretty rough shape, I almost fell off a bike twice as the driver tried to negotiate his way out of a pretty large pot hole. I received my car back on Tuesday morning, exactly a week after bringing it to the mechanic and I must admit I was pretty happy to see it!
The computer is turning out to be a bit more dramatic.  Despite having paid for 3 years of Norton Anitvirus it just decided to stop working a few weeks ago and of course shortly after I got a virus and the computer would randomly shut down on me and then refuse to reboot.  I had to bring it in to be "cleaned" up.  Of course this also took a week (which is really quite fast for Haiti).  Thankfully when I was in Canada I purchased a personal computer for myself so I was able to transfer my information (after several hours of frustration) onto my personal computer and use it in the meantime.  Now if I could only figure out how to transfer all the information back onto the old computer...
Ahhh... life has become so complicated with all the things that we NEED! Sometimes I wonder if we would be better off without them....

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