Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Waterfalls - Saut D'eau

The road was pretty good all the way there

These women fascinate and inspire me!

The base of the waterfalls

The three musketeers, Jenny, Taressa, and Myself
Farmer's field
There are a few places I wanted to go before leaving Haiti this summer and Saut D'eau was high on my list.  Last Saturday I had the opportunity to visit with my two roomies.  It was amazing!!! After lots of rainy and cold days we were praying for a nice, hot, sunny one and we got it.  The road there was relatively smooth and we found the falls after a few inquiries.  The water was cool and refreshing.  We sat in the cool water and enjoyed the gorgeous view.  It was wonderful to get away from PAP for the day and enjoy the beauty that Haiti has to offer!

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