Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Karate and Elections

On Sunday Cadeau had a karate exam for his black belt. It was a full day event starting at 9:30 in the morning and finishing at 3:00. The students being examined can't eat anything that whole time and they can't even drink!!!! ( I personally don't get that...) I went to church first and then went over the watch the exam after that. It was interesting to watch and the examiners really made us feel welcome. They put out an extra bench for Karen and I and even wanted us to be in the final picture with all the teachers and students. I declined but they managed to convince Karen:) Cadeau passed his test and although he had a few injuries thoughout the day he wasn't seriously injured. (They fight on cement with absolutley no padding)
Everyone's talking about the election these days. Some predict utter choas after the election and others say everything will be fine. I overheard someone say that if "Preval" is not elected all "hell" will break lose. Preval is the candidate from the same party as Aristide (the president that fled the country in 2004). Preval is currently the most popular condidate and many say that if he doesn't win the election then it was obviously fixed. On the other hand, many people are afraid to vote so anyway you look at it the election will not show the actual sentiments of the people.
Oh what a mess. The UN is receiving all sorts of slander in the papers these days and no one seems to have anything positive to say about them. Some people think they should never have come and others say they are doing nothing here but partying. I am of the opinion that I would like them to stay at least for a while after the election. It may appear that they're not doing much but who knows what will happen if they leave?
On a personal note. I'm feeling pretty good about being back in Haiti. I'm looking forward to my change of location and I'm starting to feel a lot more comfortable in general. My Creole is improving quite nicely and I'm understanding more and more of the conversations that float around me. The school is running quite smoothly and we've accomplished more than I had originally hoped. My next goal is to work on having some workshops for the teachers that really focuss on more hands-on learning.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Termites Take Over

So Karen has about 1,000 books in her bedroom on about every topic under the sun. Yesterday she pulled out a book to read and discovered that something had eaten through many of the pages. Today she asked Manman Manise to clean off that shelf of books as it looked like some ants had moved in. Today Manman Manise started to clean the shelf and quickly discovered that the "ant" problem was much bigger than ever imagined. Termites were really the culprits and they had eaten through MANY books as well as entire sections of the bookshelf. What a mess!!!! There are books EVERYWHERE in Karen's room and she has just left to buy some new wood to make a new bookshelf.
On another note. All the guys got into a bit of trouble this week. They got their report cards. 'Nuf said. They didn't score quite as high as Karen would have liked. In fact some of them are failing. Of course it is not their fault at all and they all have HORRIBLE teachers!!! Regardless they have spent the last few nights studying quite religiously and didn't even watch American Idol when it came on.
The excitement never ends at Coram Deo.
On a happier note. Things are going really well with the school. We had an excellent staff meeting on Monday morning and the teachers really seem to be warming up to my suggestions. I almost don't have to nag at all (I almost miss it:) as they are taking their responsibilities much more seriously. We are really starting to work like a team and it's a really great feeling. I am going to attempt some workshops again starting in February and hopefully they are more receptive to different teaching strategies/methods.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Dust Bowl and Elections

So, the weather here is almost perfect. It's a very pleasant 20 - 25 degrees everyday and the nights are almost cool. There's a cool breeze almost all the time and the sun shines EVERY day. There's only one small catch. Because it's the dry season the wind blows with it a lot of dust. Now I've never been much for dusting on a regular basis (much to my Dad's alarm and dissapointment) but it has become a necessity in my life. On Saturday afternoon I dusted my entire room, and by Sunday afternoon there was a thick layer of dust on everything!!! It's a never ending battle. My room has several lovely large windows that keep me somewhat cool throughout the year but they also let in a lot of dust. Oh... the trials and tribulations of life in the Carribbean.
Today is election day in Canada which of course makes me think of the upcoming elections here in Haiti. The election looks like it might actually happen next month. The date is now set for February 7th (the forth offical date) and many believe that this will be the real thing. We will close the school on the 7th and possible the 8th too. For the last election no cars were allowed on the streets. Everyone had a polling station within walking distance from their house and the police patrolled the streets to prevent any mischief. We just found out that the airport will also be closed all day. It has the potential to be a very interesting day and despite my love for excitement I pray that it will be a dissapointingly dull day. I'll keep you all posted as the day nears.
Other than that, all is well. Nicole and Freda leave tomorrow to go back home. It will be quiet without them here and I will miss the nice chats. It's been really nice having them here.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Presents and Moves

It's been a busy week. We have our parent/teacher meeting this Sunday so I've been busy with report cards and other preparations for the day. This week went really well overall. The teachers were on time almost everyday and the kids were really well behaved. Of course the first week back after a holiday is always a good one but it's still a nice feeling that things went so smoothly.
It's also been really nice having Freda and Nicole here. They have done several crafts with all the classes and the kids LOVED it. They are both board members so we've also had some good meetings about the future of Coram Deo.
Earlier this week, I was able to give out the presents that my family bought for everyone at Coram Deo. They were thrilled and have really enjoyed the gifts. I've put a few pictures in my photo album of them opening the gifts. I've decided to label all my albums from now on with the date that I post them so you know what's recent and what's old. Should have thought of that a long time ago, I know...
On another note, I've mentioned in several blog entries that I've been finding life in Haiti much harder than I ever imagined. I think the hardest part for me has been the lack of freedom and how difficult it is to spend all my time in such a small compound. I can't go out unless I find someone who is willing to go with me which is often not an easy task. I also can't go out after dark so that makes it even more difficult to leave. It sounds like such a silly think but it has really been hard on me. I have done a lot of thinking and praying about the situation and have decided I need a change in my situation in order to really enjoy my stay here and to produce my best work. I have therefore decided to move in with my friend Jenny who lives close to my church and closer to Petionville. She is currently living alone and house sitting for a missionary family. She is very excited about having a roomate and will feel much more secure with another person around. I will be moving in with her in February and think it will be a very positive move for me. Of course I will continue to work at Coram Deo every day. My friend Ysmaille will drive me back and forth everyday. He already has a route he drives everyday for several students and one teacher, he will simply add me to his route. I will continue to take many precautions and will never venture out alone. I'm very excited to be part of a larger missionary community that is quite active with Bible studies and women's meetings that I was not able to attend earlier. I mentioned this move to many people when I was home and received a lot of encouragement for this decision.
The security situation is a bit confusing. It feels and sounds very calm but there have been two UN soldiers killed in Cite Soleil this week. Around here it continues to feel safe... Keep praying nonetheless.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Safe Arrival in Haiti

Hello All,
I arrived safely in Haiti on Jan. 13th. My travels were very uneventful. My flight out of Miami was delayed by an hour but I was able to use this time brushing up on my Creole with the other passangers that were waiting. Unfortunately I was supposed to meet up with two other people (Nicole and Freda) in Miami and travel together with them to Port-au-Prince. However, their first flight was delayed and they missed the flight out of Miami. I was really looking forward to travelling with them so I was dissapointed but they should be arriving any minute now in Haiti so I will see them soon.
I was warmly welcomed by my Coram Deo family. They told me they missed me a lot. Not too much has changed around here. Apparently we have had VERY little hydro while I was gone and we are almost out of water. We may have to buy a tank of water for showering, washing clothes etc. Other than that they had a quiet and restful few weeks.
Overall it is good to be back but I find the first few days back are always the days I am the most homesick. When I start my routine again and I'm super busy I won't have time to be homesick.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

A time of refreshment

The last 2 weeks have flown by and I've had an amazing time with family and friends. I've done more shopping in 2 weeks than I have in the 5 months I spent in Haiti. My family managed to buy a ton of gifts for every member of the Coram Deo household. (there are GREAT deals after Christmas:) When we had all the gifts assembled in one room it was very overwhelming. We managed to fill 3 suitcases, all of which are over the limit, leaving 1 suitcase for all the school supplies and my personal items.
The time I have spent at home has been a time of great refreshment. I have been blessed in so many ways throughout my visit home. I was able to visit my old school and do a presentation for the whole school about what I am doing in Haiti. I was able to visit my church in Toronto and I saw a ton of friends in a short period of time.
I continue to marvel at how much the Lord has blessed me with family and friends who understand why I am compelled to work and live in Haiti. I've been encouraged by so many individuals and prayed over by many others. I have shared stories and seen others moved by what is happening in Haiti and more specifically at Coram Deo. God has blessed me with an amazing amount of prayer support. I am continually amazed by how many people are praying for the work that happens in Haiti. As the political situation worsens these prayers are needed more and more.
Oftentimes since arriving in Haiti I have been overwhelmed by the task that I have taken on. More than once I was overcome by selfdoubt and fear that maybe I had taken on more than I could handle. This trip has been a gift of refreshment in so many ways because I was able to gain a new perspective on my work and the encouragement I received from so many enables me to go back with a renewed energy and passion.
I leave tomorrow morning VERY early and I think I'm ready to go. I'm ready to get back into a routine and I'm eager to get back to work at the school. So many ideas, so little time. If I was unable to see you when I was home I apologize. I hope you understand. Thanks for all your love and prayers.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Home at last!!!!

I arrived on Canadian soil at 10:45 p.m. Thursday night. I missed my connecting flight in Ft. Lauderdale and had to spend 5 hours killing time before the next flight to Toronto but it could have been so much worse.
It's been a whirlwind of activity since I got home. I've been to a wedding, two family dinner parties and now I'm off for a fun filled day of shopping with my mom. (I'm in withdrawal from shopping:)
Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm home safe and sound. I'll let you know when I'm back in Haiti and you can start worrying again!!!