Friday, July 29, 2005


Well, I've already received a few complaints about my blog:) A few people who work on computers all day (and often have free time) have told me that I need to submit some more entries on my blog. So here goes...
I had some relaxing and fun holidays both at Algonquin park and in Montreal. When I got back, I finished packing up my apartment. Today I, with help from family and friends, moved all my earthly posessions to my parents house. Despite a few cracks about my need for some new furniture, the move was incredibly smooth.
Now I have to pack my life into two suitcases, weighing less than 70lbs each. I've asked several people who have lived overseas what essentials I should bring with me. The number one suggestion? Peanut butter. It'll be like travelling Europe all over again:)
Well, I wish I had some more exciting events to share, but July has been relatively calm. I leave for Haiti early in the morning on August 5th. If I haven't had a chance to see you yet this summer, don't worry I'll be back in January so we'll have to catch up then.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Final Preparations

So, by now you all know about my plans to go to Haiti for one year to work at a school. The school is called Coram Deo, meaning "Before the face of God". There is a link to the school's website on the right hand side of this blog, if you are interested in learning more about the school. I will not be teaching this year but will have more of an administration role. I will be in charge of mentoring the teachers as well as doing many organizational activities. All the students and teachers are Haitians and speak Creole (a dialect of French). Therefore, I will have to learn Creole quickly in order to speak to them without a translator. I am listening to language tapes as I pack and drive and sleep... trying to pick up as much as possible before I leave. The rest I will learn there with the help of a tutor.
Well, time flies by as I finish up my final preparations. It's been a crazy July: packing up my apartment, saying goodbye to friends and even fitting in a few days of holiday.
Most people hate saying goodbye. I'd have to say I have a love/hate relationship with goodbyes. I hate that they always make me cry, but I love that they spur me on to telling my loved ones things I might never say if I never had to say goodbye. So if I haven't said goodbye to you yet, be prepared for a few tears as well as some heartfelt (or as my sisters would say "sappy") words.
I finally met Karen Bultje last Friday. She is the Canadian woman who started Coram Deo and has kept it running from the day it began. I will be working very closely with her while I am in Haiti. It was nice to finally put a face to the name. We chatted for quite some time about our future goals and plans for Coram Deo. I look forward to working with her this year; she has a real heart for the people of Haiti.
I would like to thank all of you who have promised to pray for me while I am away and to keep in touch with me. I will have my own computer in Haiti (D.V.) but our access to electricity is limited so I don't know how often I will be able to respond. Please be patient and if I don't repond for a few days please don't think I am ignoring you.