Thursday, July 20, 2006


Hello all. I arrived at the Toronto Airport on July 18th at 11:30pm and was back at my parents just after 1:00am. It is great to be home and I'm still basking in the beauty of Southern Ontario. It hasn't really hit me yet that I'm back and I'm sure it will take a few more weeks until it really sinks in. I am taking it easy for a few days and just adjusting to being back. It was difficult to say goodbye to everyone at Coram Deo. I only cried when I gave Manman Manise and St. Marie a hug goodbye. I think my excitement about coming home helped to make the whole experience a bit less painful. I think the hardest thing is that I don't know if or when I will be back and how difficult it is to stay in touch.
Well, my adventure is done and seeing that my life in Toronto is not near as exciting, this will be my last blog entry. Thanks for taking the journey with me and also keeping me updated on your lives via e-mail. For someone who had never even heard of a blog before this year, I have to admit that I'm thankful for the way technology helped me stay in touch with so many of you over the past year. May the Lord bless you and keep you in His precious arms.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Last Day Thoughts

Today is July 17th, the day before I leave my home of one year, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. My parents called yesterday and told me not to leave my house until tomorrow morning so they can be sure I will arrive home safe and sound:) Yesterday I walked through the neighborhoud saying my goodbyes to various people.
As I sit at my computer, I wonder... I wonder if I have accomplished all I set out to do. I wonder if I have done and seen all that I wanted to do and see here in Haiti. I wonder how long before my ties and friendships here begin to fade and are replaced with newer ones. I wonder if I'll ever be back. I wonder how long before Haiti becomes a distant memory and I once again take electricity, running water, and peace and quiet for granted. I wonder how much I'll miss little boys waking me up in the morning and asking me to read with them. I wonder how long before Sammy stops asking where I am:) Only time will tell....
I am surprisingly not very emotional these days. Maybe my intense excitement about going home has shadowed the sadness of leaving this place called home and these people I have come to love so dearly. I don't think it will really hit me until a few weeks after I have arrived at home and I start to really notice their absence.
As I put an end to my adventures in Haiti, I will also put an end to this blog. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to check it out every once in a while and especially those who took the time to say a short (or long) prayer for me!!!! I know this year was possible because of all those prayers. Thank you also to all those who took the time to write me a short (or long) e-mail. These e-mails boosted my spirits in ways you may never know and helped me carry on through the tough times.
I hope to run into a lot of you this summer and if not this summer some time in the fall.
Thank you again for your love and support. God is good and I look forward to continuing to serve Him back on my home front.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Hello all, my apologies for not writing more often. It has been a very busy few weeks since school ended. The teachers from Canada; Marg, Carina and Joyce arrived safely on July 29th. We had a wonderful week of seminars which were a learning experience for all involved. They were packed with great information and pratical ideas to be used in the classroom. We had a great week together and we will all be praying that the ideas learned will become part of the teaching process next school year.
On the weekend we also packed in quite a few events. On Sat. we took the residents of Coram Deo out to the countryside to play soccer and have a picnic lunch. Sunday we went to visit Ysmaille's sisters house in the mountains and Monday we tagged along with Dr. Ed to the countryside again to help with his clinic. Although we had a great time we might have overdone it because now Joyce and Carina are both a bit under the weather. Thankfully they will be going home in one day so they will be able to recooperate at home.
Security has been a bit up and down these days. We are taking precautions and not venturing too far from the house. There has been a lot of shootings and we can hear them from our house. Many civilians have been caught in the crossfire. Please keep all of us at Coram Deo in your prayers and we will do our best not to put ourselves in any dangerous situations.
In less than one week I will be home!!!!!!