Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Now that we're settled into the new building and our first semester of school is finished, we decided to give the place a facelift.  The 'guys' and several sponsor students got busy painting and we are pretty proud of the new look we have!  Our new location is situated on a busy road that leads to the airport and we have a lot of traffic driving by all day long so we also hired local artists to paint our name and school logo on the front wall. 
Scraping off the old paint
The BEFORE Picture

Hard at work painting

Looking good!

Local artist were hired to paint on logos

The AFTER Picture


Danielle said...

It's looking really good! Must be nice to see such a visible change! Amazing what some paint will do eh?

George van Popta said...

What a stunning result!

Maple Ridge Landscapes said...

So awesome to see the sign back up and see the smiling faces of students and staff. God Bless all of you as you carry on with your work!