Thursday, January 20, 2011

Silly Me....

One of my goals this week was to take class pictures.  I thought it would be nice to take the pictures in front of the new logo.  I got myself organized and managed to get through all the classes and was feeling pretty proud of myself, until I uploaded the pictures onto my computers and realized that they weren't very clear. I figured it was the sun shining on their faces that made the photo unclear.
Take 1
I decided it would be better to take the pictures under the tent to cut down on the sunlight. 
After uploading these pictures onto my computer I saw that they had the SAME problem.  At this point, I decided to build a small barricade to keep out the sun, to no avail...
Take 2
At this point I was becoming a bit exasperated with the whole idea of class photos.
I decided to try one more time... I moved upstairs and took a thick blanket and covered all the windows.  I took a few samples this time before calling all the classes (I'm getting smarter...)  I had the SAME problem again.  I gave up... I decided that my camera is garbage and that was that!  Then I noticed that all the pictures were unclear in the exact same place... A coincidence?? I think not. I turned my camera on and looked at the lens, sure enough there was a nice big smudge on the lens... brilliant!  At this point I was too afraid to interupt the classes once again to ask for another photo shoot... I think I'll wait a few days until they forget and then try again:)  


Danielle said...

Heehee... i've had similar experiences, no class photos, but a series of pics that just didn't seem to want to focus... you feel pretty silly when you figure out what the problem is..

Joyce said...

You are hilarious Kim.
Gave me a smile.
Blessings to you
joyce and Ryan