Friday, July 29, 2005


Well, I've already received a few complaints about my blog:) A few people who work on computers all day (and often have free time) have told me that I need to submit some more entries on my blog. So here goes...
I had some relaxing and fun holidays both at Algonquin park and in Montreal. When I got back, I finished packing up my apartment. Today I, with help from family and friends, moved all my earthly posessions to my parents house. Despite a few cracks about my need for some new furniture, the move was incredibly smooth.
Now I have to pack my life into two suitcases, weighing less than 70lbs each. I've asked several people who have lived overseas what essentials I should bring with me. The number one suggestion? Peanut butter. It'll be like travelling Europe all over again:)
Well, I wish I had some more exciting events to share, but July has been relatively calm. I leave for Haiti early in the morning on August 5th. If I haven't had a chance to see you yet this summer, don't worry I'll be back in January so we'll have to catch up then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was great to see you on Saturday.... can't wait to get together again with everyone in January and hear about your adventures.
God bless you in these last days of preparation!
PS. If you're taking peanut butter, don't forget the Nutella as well!