Monday, December 19, 2005

December in Haiti

Sunday morning I woke up at Jenny's house and went for a swim. I thought to myself, it's worth all the risks to wake up on a December morning the week before Christmas and go for a swim:) Seriously, the kidnappings just keep increasing and everyone's getting a little nervous. Up until now I'd refused to think about it and had convinced myself that it wouldn't happen to me. Lately I've been thinking maybe I should have a plan just in case. The good news for me is that I am not an easy person to kidnap because I leave the house very rarely and when I do it's never at a regular time and it's not usually to the same place. The people that have been kidnapped are followed for a few weeks first to find out their pattern. Since I don't have a pattern this works in my favour. However I am being very careful. Everyone tells me not to walk places but I have yet to hear about a kidnapping that happened to someone walking. Also, when I'm in a car I always lock the doors and we always stick to main roads and avoid roads that are desserted. As well, we never return the same way we went. So all you worry worts out there, I want you to know that I am taking precautions.
Well, the party we had for the kids on Sunday was a hit. We bought some junk food, let them listen to music, watch T.V. and drink coke. Overall it was a big hit:)
Ten days until I'm home. I can't wait!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi this is your grade six student shaine hope ur having lots of fun try not 2 take the same rote back from where ur going plz come back the same u were last year. bye for now =)