Saturday, February 18, 2006

Preval is President

Preval has been declared the new president of Haiti. People are VERY happy and the celebrations went on all night long We woke up at 5:00 to A LOT of noise on the street. Things seem really peaceful right now. Apparently after the elections, two different kidnapping took place but when the kidnappers arrived at Cite Soliel they were told that they must release their captives. The gang members announced that if Preval became President they would put a stop to the kidnappings. Now whether this is true or not... we will see.
Things look hopeful with Preval as president. He did manage to accomplish some positive things when he was in power last time. The tricky part is that the gangs wanted him in and therefore are expecting some kickbacks from helping him get in power.
On a personal note. I spent the week at my friend Heather's house waiting to figure things out with my new best friend "Max". Ysmaille took some measurements today and will start making two barriers on Monday. We will keep Max contained in a section of the backyard and I hopefully won't have to worry about him. However, Jenny is going away next weekend (for Carnival) and I'm not crazy about staying there by myself. I guess I'll just take each day as it comes.
It'll be nice to open school again next week. We basically lost 2 weeks of school. I managed to get a lot of work done with very little distractions, however, it will be difficult for the teachers to finish all the curriculum by the end of the year.
Saturday morning Heather and I went to visit "Sisters of Charity" a orphanage run by Nuns. It was very sad. Rooms full of children crying out for attention. We picked up a few children (with VERY wet diapers) and held them for a bit but when we put them back down they started crying even more. I think I will try my best to visit there on a regular basis and give at least a few of the kids the attention they so badly need.

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