Saturday, May 27, 2006

No pictures, sorry

Well, the most exciting thing that has happened to me these days is that I have a HUGE swollen jaw. I have had a lot of problems with my skin in Haiti, I often have a lot of acne and I think it is from the air being so dirty and my pores getting clogged. However, right now I have 3 really infected pores and one is on my jaw so it is quite swollen and everyone looks at me quite strangely when they see me. At first I was hoping it would just go away by itself but I woke up Friday morning and it was horrible looking. I talked to a doctor who recommended an anitbiotic for me to take. Hopefully it works pretty quick, it's actually quite painful and it's difficult to sleep.
The temperature is rising and I'm find it hard to adjust to the heat. Usually I adjust quite quickly but these days I'm finding it hard to sleep. I've started to sleep in the living room hopefully to get a cross breeze but I'm afraid of the "crazy" cat coming in the house and cuddling up to me so I shut the sliding door and didn't find much of a cross breeze. Last night, I was so hot that I took the chance of cuddling up with a strange cat and left the door open. Thankfully the cat did not return. I think my coming after him with a large stick the last time he visited may have curbed his desire to visit our house:)
Other than that, things are calm. Jenny and I were chatting last night that we are actually quite boring. We spend almost every night at home reading. We sit with our little light one trying not to waste our invertor charge and read until it's time to go to bed. What crazy girls we are. Speaking of books, Jenny used to work for the Peace Corps and they just recently decided to pull all their personnel from Haiti and shut down their office. Jenny went by the office was able to take all the books in their library!!! So we have quite the selection of books at our house. It's like living at a library.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too bad about your swollen jaw. Hopefully it will heal soon. Next week I'll probably have a jaw to rival yours though, as I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed--eeek!! We can commiserate together. : )
Love Amy