Shortly after joining the Toronto District School Board I heard about an opportunity called "Project Overseas". This project is completely funded by the Canadian Teachers Federation and it involves teachers volunteering to go overseas and teach workshops for teachers with little or no teacher training. I was immediately interested but quickly learned that I could not apply until I had 5 years of teaching experience. This year was the first year I was eligible to apply, so in the fall I put my application together, had an interview, and was selected to work in Sierra Leone (where I've been once before). I found out I was selected at around the same time as I found out I was accepted by CDIA to work once again in Haiti. There was a moment when I thought that perhaps I couldn't do both, but the moment passed and I agreed to do both.
Therefore, July 3rd I'll be flying to Ottawa for a weekend of training and then I'm off to Sierra Leone for one month. On my way home I will be delaying my stop over in Belgium by 3 days so I can visit my cousins in the south of Holland as well as return to Amsterdam for one day to revisit my favourites places from the 3 months I lived there.
Needless to say, I will be busy in the near future, finishing off the school year, preparing my workshops for this summer, so
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