Monday, May 24, 2010

I spoke too soon!

Friday was day three of no electricity and I knew that my batteries would never survive.  My roomate is out of the country right now and the idea of going home to an empty house with no lights was a bit scary to me, so Randy and Karen invited me to stay over at their place.  No sooner had I settled into their couch to watch a movie and the electricity came back on.  I figured I'd still stay the night seeing as you never know how long it will last.  Strangely, we've had electricity ever since, all day Saturday, and now it's Sunday afternoon and we still have it.  This NEVER happens in Haiti, and most definitely NEVER in my neighbourhood.  I really hope this doesn't mean we won't get it again for 2 weeks! (I'm such a pessimist)
On another more serious note, security is starting to become a problem these days.  There are a variety of reasons for this, first of all, there is A LOT of money flowing into Haiti these days.  There are more NGO (Non-government organizations) than you could ever imagine driving around the city with their brand new SUV's and they are spending a lot of money.  The temptation is just too much for some and kidnapping has starting once again, not as bad as when I was here before (2005-2006) , but it is something to be concerned about.  Secondly, there is supposed to be an election in November of 2010 which is fast approaching, however, President Preval has announced that he would like to stay in power for a bit longer (into 2011) until things are a bit more stable.  After the earthquake, Preval wasn't as visible or supportive of his people as he could have been and he is therefore not very popular right now.  There have been manifestations (riots) throughout the city for a few weeks now and some have become violent and innocent bystanders are sometimes robbed or hurt.  As well, during the earthquake many prisoners escaped from prison and are back on the streets once again.  Lastly, people are still living in tents, the promises of aid are not coming as fast as they would like and some are getting angry.   Needless to say, we are being extra cautious.  Normally I don't like to write about these sorts of things on  my blog, I know that I have lots of loved ones back home who worry about me a lot and when things get worse here, they worry even more.  The reason I'm writing about it is to ask for prayer.  I know without a shadow of doubt that I am in the arms of the Lord and I don't worry about myself.  However, right now, Haiti needs security, they need investors to come and invest in Haiti to create jobs and change the economic situation here.  If this unrest continues investors will move on to other countries and things will get worse here instead of better.  Right now, Haitians need NGO's to help them get back on their feet, but in the long run, Haitians need jobs and that requires business people coming here and starting factories etc. Please pray for security to return to Haiti.

1 comment:

janine said...

Hi Kim,
Thank your for you honesty...even though it does cause me to worry more. Rest assured we will continue to pray for your safety and all the work that you are doing in Haiti, as well as, for Haiti as a country. Hoping the next week is a productive one for you and that you can welcome your students back again soon.
Love Janine