Wednesday, November 24, 2010

We're still alive and well....

Met Asselhomme and the Grade One class playing a game outside

The Special Education Class doing streches on their new mats (Thanks Gwen and Andre!)
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I figured it was time to write a quick note to let everyone know that we are alive and well here in PaP.  If you've been following the Haiti news, you'll know two things already.  Cholera is quickly spreading through the city, leaving quite a few dead.  As well, there have been riots in the north (Cap Haitian) and downtown PaP, and they will possibly get increasingly worse as the election day approaches.  If you are worried about me please don't be.  I'm right where the Lord wants me to be, and that's the best place to be.
It's been an exceptionally busy time lately and I've been working some long hours, but overall I'm doing well.  I complain a lot but I shouldn't, I work with an amazing staff that despite very difficult circumstances work very hard and continue to impress me time and time again. I keep reminding myself to praise and encourage them more and thank them for the work they do.
Despite the many troubles around us, our school community is relatively doing well.  Many of the teachers have been ill lately, and one has been in the hospital for several days.  Cholera has not yet hit our community, but we continue to educate about prevention and treatment of the desease.  We count our blessings as well as mourn with the communities around us who are struggling and suffering from this desease.
There have indeed been riots downtown PAP but they have not yet affected us here.  We will close the school at the first sign of trouble, especially if the government instructs us to do so.
On a very positive note, the CRC staff in Haiti have a spiritual retreat each year and they are always kind enough to invite me. This year it is in the Dominican Republic and it takes place this weekend.  If the borders are still open and they let us through we are going to enjoy a long weekend at an all inclusive resort studying scripture and relaxing!!!  I've been looking forward to it for quite a while.  We hope and pray that the elections go well this weekend, if there are any major problems we may decide to extend our stay in the DR until they pass.  This way, we don't have to be evacuated there, we'll already be there!!
To any Americans who may read my blog, happy thanksgiving! 


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim!
We continue to pray that the Lord keeps you safe and are so thankful that you can be there to be the hands and feet of Christ to your community. We love you tons and hope you enjoy your retreat!

carrie said...

HI Kim.... thinking about you lots... very glad to hear you are doing well and pray that that continues. May you feel God's blessings and leading in all you do! love ya, Care