Thursday, August 27, 2009

Getting ready to go.... m'alle

In less than two weeks I will be in Haiti, hopefully enjoying a hot summer night! I have been super busy tying up some loose ends before I go. I have to apply for a permit to live in Haiti once I am there but many of the documents I need have to be completed here. So I've been to the police station, the OHIP office, the bank etc. And who knew it was so much work to change your address with every organization that you've ever received mail from?
I am thankful that I've also been able to fit in a few visits with friends and family. I spent a weekend at a cottage with friends and another weekend with my family. Needless to say, the time is flying by. I have to admit that I'm getting pretty excited. I hope that I'm not being overly optimistic and only remembering the parts I love about Haiti, but I honestly can't wait to be back. It's been too long (the last time I was there was March 2008). I can't wait to sit with my friends and colleagues and hear all about what's happened since I was last there. I look forward to the heat,the never ending sun (yeah for Vitamin D) and nights of sitting on the roof talking about nothing and everything. I look forward to fresh mangoes and Pate and rice and beans. I look forward to new challenges and new adventures.

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