Sunday, August 09, 2009

Home never smelled so sweet

I am home safely and have spent the last hour relishing unlimited internet time. I've sorted through some mail and chatted my parent's ears off. It's great to be home.
Yesterday's travels went relatively smoothly. I had 10 minutes in between trains to jump off, buy myself a ticket and then get back on the train, a seemingly simple task except when you have two large suitcases and there is often not an elevator or escalator in sight. Regardless, I managed to purchase a ticket with a few minutes to spare. I made it to the airport with time to spare and then discovered that my plane was delayed. I was quite concerned that I would miss my connecting flight in Frankfurt but despite only having 15 minutes I was able to make it, unfortunately one of my suitcases did not.
So I'm home, one suitcase lighter, but feeling good. I slept well and am excited to be attending my church this morning. I hope I have an uneventful month of visiting with family and friends and relaxing in preparation for a busy two years ahead. Pictures to follow...

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