Monday, September 13, 2010


Unfortunately, there's no news yet on the school building situation.  We still don't have our stuff, and we still don't have a new building.  We remain in good spirits all things considered...
Due to lack of an office I've been taking it on the road:)  On Thursday I drove around and met up with the teachers in various places.  I visited several  homes and met teachers on the side of the road!  Later, several of the teachers came to my house to discuss several ideas for next year and begin making plans.  As always, the teachers are a huge source of encouragement to me.  Although they are upset about the situation that we are in, they keep reminding me that the Lord will provide for all our needs.  We prayed together and looked to One who is the source of all hope.  We continue to move forward, and hope to open the school in October as originally planned.  We're doing what we can for now and leaving the rest in the Lord's hands.  Thank you for your prayers!  We feel surrounded by support both here and overseas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you Kim and praying for y'all!