Wednesday, September 08, 2010


As per my previous post, we are in sort of a difficult situation these days.  We are not yet able to access the previous property which is frustrating on several levels.  First of all I don't have an office (once again!) and although I'm thankful that Randy and Karen have provided me with a corner of their living room for the time being, it's just not the same as having my own space to work in.  Thankfully, the most important school materials were removed from the property immediately (student files etc.) and a lot of my work is stored on my computer so I have enough to work on but there there are still a lot of materials I'd love to be able to access.  Hopefully sometime this week we will be allowed back on the property to retrieve our stuff.  We are making the best of the situation and working away on what we can in the mean time.  The teachers are eager to help in any way so once I get myself organized I will get in touch with them and put them to work.  As well, we have started to register the school and organization here in Haiti which we have wanted to do for a long time and now we have a chance to work on this.
Despite the difficulties, it's still good to be back.  I'm loving the heat and it was great to see all the teachers and staff so shortly after I arrived back and pray with them.  Please pray for much wisdom and patience at this time.

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