Wednesday, October 20, 2010

And we're back!!

Due to a maintenance issue on Blogspot I'm not able to upload any pictures tonight but I'll try again tomorrow.

But the good news, is that we've finished our first three days of the 2010-2011 school year! So far it's been a success. The building we found to rent is a huge blessing, we do not yet have electricity, running water, or keys to the doors but we're thriving nonetheless. We hired two new teachers this year and they are fitting in well with our team. Randy and his many assistants are still working hard on getting the building set up and functioning. Benches are being built, dividers made and invertors and batteries hooked up.
There is a slight change in my job this year. I will be working alongside Alix, one of the teachers, this year as he learns the role of School Director in order to take on this role by himself next year. It's been wonderful collaborating with him and working together as a team. As the year progresses, I will step back more and more as he steps forward and takes on more responsibilty. Alix is a great fit for this job and has already taken a leadership role in many areas.
As for our Adoration team, we will be seperated for a time. Randy and Karen are expecting another child and have decided to return to Canada for his/her birth. Karen has already returned with Maia and Randy will be leaving next week. Therefore I'm flying solo again for a bit.... please pray that all goes well in their absence as it is quite overwhelming keeping everything running on my own and there is potential for unrest in the near future due to the upcoming election.


Randy & Karen said...

hey, I can send Maia back for a bit to help out so you don't have to fly solo. She's doesn't seem to have any problems bossing people around, I think she'd be a huge help!
Love ya, thinking of you and praying for you!
kl <><

Anonymous said...

Karen, tell Maia "no thanks" I don't need any help bossing people around. What I need is people to boss around:)