Monday, October 25, 2010


Well, we're trying to stay calm about the cholera epidemic around here.  I've read a lot of literature about the disease and passed along information to our staff and students, about prevention and treatment.  The difficulty is that so many people can't afford to buy soap and bleach and treated drinking water, which is why it is spreading so quickly.  I don't worry about myself, first of all I am able to take precautions and secondly, if I do get sick I have access to medical care and rehydration solutions.  What I do worry about is one of our students or one of their family members getting sick. 
Please pray for those in the medical fields, that they will be able to treat those who are sick, and that needed supplies will get into the hands of those who need them.  We'll try our best to stay upbeat and work in our school community to educate and provide for their needs.


Danielle said...

Thinking of you and all our "family" there in Haiti... and praying that the Lord will protect and guide you through this as He has so faithfully through many other trials before.

joyce and ryan said...

Wishing you all that you need, Kim. You and the work in Haiti remain in our prayers. All the best,

Ronn and Annie-Lynn VanAndel