Monday, July 04, 2011

Vacation? Not yet...

I know that everyone thinks that now that school is over, I'm sitting at the beach, sipping
pina coladas and getting a nice tan. I wish!!! I've been working longer days than when school was open! Yes, it's true that school is over for the year, but the work is far from over. There are lots of loose ends to tie up and I want to leave things in good order for next year. Last week, Alix, Schandey (new secretary) and myself met with every parent of the school and registered their child(ren) for next year. This week we are registering new students. This is always a difficult process as we are a popular school and always have more interested parents than we have spots in the school. Starting next year we will start charging a small fee and we were concerned that this would discourage parents but this doesn't seem to be the case at all. We finally had to start turning parents away this morning as the list was getting too long. Part of the registration process for new families is to visit their homes and see what conditions they live in.  This is always very interesting, but also very difficult as many families live in truly dire situations. We will start the home visits tomorrow.

The Admin Team

Schandey hard at work

Alex is still smiling!


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